certificate error hackfacing certificate error while installing some games/apps in ur symbian mobile here is the hack to prevent this go to and register and get your mobiles .cer & .key files from there. now download the below software to your mobile Free signer now try to install this software if u succeeded follow the below steps if not succeded login to ur account in upload the above downloaded file in sign software option and download the signed version now it will install for sure. now open the installed software and follow the below snapshotsstep 1open the installed software and click settings and then locate the .cer & .key files you have downloaded from step 2now click on add task and locate the game or file which is showing certificate error and click on that file to see 3 options select self sign and click on go. now go to the filemanager and see the game / app folder u are likely to install ull find that there are two such apps/games in that folder install the one which has end name signed. it will sure install